Monday, April 14, 2014

New Greatest Free Game Ever?

   Our newest creation is the War of Wars Civil War. It only has one bug... you have to right click on it, open it with idle then in the top-left corner, click the button that says "Run", then the button that says "Run Module". It's absolutely free from ===>

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Progress Means Change

I've been working on a little more advanced projects in Python, such as games with graphics and so on. Although this is good, it will require you to download a mod for Python 3.3. All you have to do is click on the link below, install it, and my games will be able to play on your computer.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Before you get started...

Before you get started downloading my programs. You have to have Python 3.3.2 on your computer. It's super easy to install so click on the link below.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

My Assistant

I've downloaded many applications on my mobile Android device, and among these downloads was an assistant app. The assistant could tell jokes, tell you your location, and search things on the web. So, I decided to create my own assistant for the PC. My assistant can do what the Application can do, and more! You can play dice against your computer, and even play the lottery simulator. My Assistant can talk, and quote famous people. When this program starts, it shows a picture of a robot.

For the new user, just type "commands", and all the Assistant's commands will appear. Please note: Before you can use this application, you must have python 3.3.3 installed onto your computer. If you do not have Python 3.3.3 on your computer, you can get a free download from For my Assistant Application, you can download it from

Friday, January 3, 2014

I'm famous!


Python Simulator

Out of all the programs I've made, this one is probably one of my more useful programs. I found it a hassle to go to and download such huge files. So, I made a trial version batch file. It's a simple way for the inexperienced to learn Python. For a free download click on the link below. Please note, this application does not allow you to save your applications you've made.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Pi Anyone?

This picture is by

This Raspberry Pi. Connect it to a computer monitor and play Minecraft, or create your own programs using Python. This computer is the size of a credit card. You can buy one of these little computers on ebay for $50. There are some crazy projects for Raspberry Pi. One guy turned his Pi into a gaming console, it looked like a gameboy when he was finished messing with it. Another guy connected his Pi onto a mini rocket, sent the rocket to space, and programmed it to take pictures on the way down. The projects you can work on with the Pi are endless. I really encourage you to get one of these amazing computers.

New Year, New Programs

It's now 2014. A new year calls for new ideas. We had a lot of fun last year, with stock analyzers, key code generators and chat spamming software. Now my next program I will be working on is going to be a first person game. A game, where, if you wanted to, could walk around New York. This is going to take a lot of hard work. But hopefully it wont be too hard. My program is going to be made with Blender, and programmed with python. So watch for my new program coming soon to you! Last year was fun with all of the programs I made, but, I think I got a little too carried away with Visual Basic and Notepad. This year I'll try not to get off topic and use mostly Python. Although these games will be made using python, I will be using Blender. I can't completely depend on Python for graphics, as you very well know. I have to have another software to make 3D images for my first person game.